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Canaan Transformation Ministry Update Slideshows Mita rini... _________________________________________________________________

Kumusta amu na nandaw! Lyagan hu pengumustay su nga dyanta pated dini Pilipinas bu dlen benwa! Megendun na su hetubo-tubo nyo nandaw! Pedereman hu sa mebathi nyo su message hini metalima nyo bu mengganget di pusong nyo daripulo sa du ni merateng kelegenay nyo gendi amo mebeguan dun.

Hini parian minaya, miduma u rin 7th Mindanao Peoples Peace Summit ditu dapit Lanao del Norte daripulo pindan su kelinaw  dini Mindanao. Su helon grupo miduma ritu pepenengi helinaw ditu benwa nlan. Melon mansi grupo rebulosyonaryo rini Mindanao! Su pepenengin nlan dun helinaw dini, meruma na su CPP/NPA/NDF, MILF, RPMM bu MNLF. Sa mehegayun ilan dini Mindanao malap nlan su helinaw bu kepyanan ugaid temporaryo lak. Sama su dyanta hetubo kin na rini Jesus Christ, duni thunay kepyanan bu kelinaw malap ta.

Sa lyagan nu nga getaw rini dunya malap nlan su kelinaw bu su kepyanan, ugaid su Diwata duni plano nen din dyanta. Alan su plano nen ryanta?       

(1)       Mbalen en ita mesed gbata en bu megipat tu helon binal en dini dunya (To make you as intimate children and steward). Genesis 1:27-30 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Mba su getaw mesunan en lak su plano nu Diwata di hetubo en, dairunni samok tu hetubo en haguna su Diwata hin su ginilala en Gama en. Haguna su phunan nu sammok su henda di hetubo ta, mbalen en yaa megipat tu helon bitang en mandyari dairun nay mekulang ryania.

(2)       Mbalen en yaa merunan mbu pengumpyanan en yaa (His plan is to prosper and bless us). Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future.” Taway rin ryanta misunan en plano nu Diwata din hetubo en? Melon rin ryanta mikelegenay mbu milat su hebetang-betangen po pihil en tinuyuran nu Diwata! Su Diwata gendi en lyagan metuyuran ha ugaid mepengumpyanan ha! Plano nu Diwata merunan ha mbu pengumpyanan ha!

(3)         Mbinal en ita pingumpya  tu helon gbansa dini dunya (Our calling is to be a blessing to all nations). Genesis 12:1-3 “The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; and I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.  I will bless those who bless you … and all people on earth will be blessed through you.” Suggat hesiba en su pengumpya nu Diwata, pibya tu ni Abraham dyanta miriwata gama mbinal en ita pengumpya tu dunya. Haguna su Israel tiwang dari mbal benwa nu nga gbleyan (Exodus 19:5-6), pibaya en da rema tu nga tinintuloan ni Jesus Christ (I Peter 2:9-10).

Pemihil en ta dahus talima en ta su plano ni Diwata din dyanta hetubo: (1) Mbalen en ita mesed gbata en bu megipaten (2) Mbalen en ita merunan mbu pengumpyanan en (3) Mbalen en ita pingumpya  tu helon getaw dini dunya.

Prayer Concern: Nation of Germany: Government: Parliamentary Republic; Population: 81.89M (2012)Christianity: Roman Catholics: 30.0%,  Protestants 29.9%; Islam 4.3%%; Buddhism 0.3%; Hinduism 0.1%; Others and No religion 35.40%. Pray for the salvation of the unsaved people in Germany and the expansion of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Penenginengian ta su nga pated ta ritu: si Angelita Taras, Daisy Taras bu si Gema Griessbaum.

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